Friday, November 4, 2011

Lisa Kleypas' "Love in the Afternoon" (Hathaway Series, #5)

An Unbelievably Perfect Ending to a Phenomenal Series!

It began innocently, all Beatrix Hathaway had to do was pretend to be someone else, just for a few moments that day, to send back a correspondent to Capt. Christopher Phelan, who was fighting in the Crimean War.

The same man Beatrix loathed, for the indecent comment he made about her when she attended a picnic her girlfriend Prudence Mercer had arranged. The same Prudence who was suppose to respond to Christopher's letter since it was addressed to her and not Beatrix.

However, Beatrix felt immense sympathy for Christopher, for he was risking his life, and only wanted someone to share some type of peace with what he was facing every day. The horrors he had no choice but to deal with, choosing one's life for someone else's. The psychological damage that is done, is beyond anyone's realm of understanding, unless you've been through it. He literally became a wounded soul, searching for salvation, which Beatrix had provided him without question.

The letters that were sent back and forth became heart-felt emotions, admirations, and a compassionate foundation of love that was written on mere paper. Without ever seeing each other's reaction, just using their imaginations. Most couples wished they could experience that kind of love.

Beatrix had shared intimate details of herself with Christopher, the way she drinks her tea, how he can better control the dog that had been his only companion, and her favorite hiding spot in Stony Cross Park.

Yet upon Christopher's return he was convinced that Prudence wrote those words, and not anyone else. It's not until Beatrix's odd influence on him, a tender hand, and immense patience is all that was needed to have him succumb to the over-whelming emotion of love without condition. He comes to the realization, that the woman he desired was standing right under his nose. Beatrix helped guide him to release the demons of his past, to ferment a happy and lasting future. Ultimately a place in this world where he belonged.

I truly didn't want to finish reading this novel, because I wasn't ready for this series to be over. Lisa Kleypas writes with such GROUND-BREAKING ROMANCE. The PASSION itself between hero and heroine is wished upon a star by every 4 out of 5 little girls, to discover when they get older.

When she writes about the dangerous game that is played with one's soul to uncover the LOVE that is revealed is BREATH-TAKINGLY BEAUTIFUL & INSPIRING! And above all the details are EXQUISITELY DELICIOUS when LK is describing the love-making scenes. It is literally GUT-WRENCHING, causing you to dream of that hero at night. Experiencing his DEVILISHLY INTICING KISSES & AMOROUS BEHAVIOR. HUMM-YUMMY!!


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